Friday, October 12, 2012

Catching up

I missed about 3 days of my reflection due to...well, I guess nothing but everyday events.

well, I got to post the first one so if people want to continue them, has it.

I went back to the reflection to read on what I missed and I am so glad to have read the next 4 reflections because they were just what I needed. 

I have here a few excerpts from the reading..

Day 2:
Maybe you have a friend like that, someone who always manages to cheer you up and cheer you on, to offer support and friendship in tangible ways. Or you’ve sensed the difference between a place with fresh air and a place without it. There’s something, some quality in certain people and their attitudes, that can transform any environment into a magnetic, life-giving, enjoyable place to be.

Day 3:
Here’s the real secret: You can fulfill the commands of the Bible better by falling in love with God than by trying to obey him. It’s funny, the things we do for love. I hate cleaning out the garage—the time, the effort, the trouble. However, my wife feels like the most loved woman in the world when I help her clean out the garage or tackle a big project that needs to be done. It’s better than sending her a dozen roses—well, almost. The point is, I do it because I love her so much that it brings me joy to do something I know she really appreciates.

Falling in love with God is just like falling in love with another person. You think about him constantly and want to be with him all the time. You can throw away your checklists and just enjoy spending time together.
Your only desire is to be with him, to enjoy him, to receive what he wants to give you, and to give him everything you have.
I encourage you to have an honest conversation with God today. Tell him how you feel. Tell him where you’re frustrated or afraid of loving him. Spend at least a few minutes listening for his response. And remember, God already loves us more than we can imagine.
Day 4:
Paul never lost heart and neither should we. Why? Because what we see and experience around us is not all there is. If we want to enjoy life in the vibrant, fully alive way that we all crave, then we must focus on something bigger than our problems. When we have a larger perspective, we realize that most of our problems are really not significant in the long run
Indeed, God calls us to travel light by keeping our destination in sight. When we live for eternity, our difficulties don’t disappear—but they don’t weigh us down either. We can choose to focus on our problems even as we try to reach some imaginary place of trouble-free living. 
Day 5:
In 2009, (from author) my father-in-law, Billy Hornsby, discovered a stage 5 melanoma tumor on the bottom of his foot. Billy’s response was that God could heal him—and if God didn’t, he said, “I’ve already lived an incredibly full life—better than I ever hoped or dreamed.”
In all his struggles through life, Billy never complained—never. In fact, in the twenty-seven years that I knew Billy, I never saw him have a bad day. And I never heard him say anything negative about anyone—ever. 
He was honest about the fear, pain, and even doubt that accompany suffering. At the same time, he pointed us to the Word of God, sharing how we can let go of fear and dread when we submit ourselves to God, who promises never to leave or forsake us. As he was staring death in the face, Billy modeled courage, a positive attitude, and faith for us. Even his doctors and nurses were blown away by his faith and peace.

These really helped a lot especially now that I'm rushing again just because of some set back. I have literally lost focus again and I guess I'm just too young and I have to learn a lot to know what I really have to do in life..So, even at my age, reflection really does help. We can't keep barging our heads through walls just to get there faster. There must definitely be a better way, or we keep getting headaches for pushing what we want all the time.

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